Of the ten streams, all empty into the Gulf
of Mexico. Four of the rivers are tributaries: the Pecos flows into the Rio
Grande, the Red into the Mississippi
River, and the Sabine and Neches flow into Sabine
Lake, which is connected to the Gulf of Mexico by the Sabine
Pass. The Canadian is a tributary of a tributary. It flows into the Arkansas
River, which is itself a tributary of the Mississippi.
Grande – 1,896 miles, 1,250 miles of which are in Texas — although
technically on the border between Texas and Mexico
River – 1,360 miles of which 680 are in Texas
River – 1280 miles of which 840 miles are in Texas,
making it the longest section of river in Texas
River – 926 miles most of which is in New
River – 862 miles entirely in Texas of which 600 miles are not dry
River – 760 miles of which 200 miles are in Texas
River – 555 miles of which 360 miles are in Texas
River – 550 miles entirely in Texas
River – 416 miles entirely in Texas
River – 315 miles entirely in Texas
The Trinity River is the longest river with its entire drainage
basin in Texas.
The Colorado is the longest
river with both it source and mouth in the state.